MSZT Congress 2024 (Hungary)
21. June 2024
VenueLiget I. Hall - Hotel Eger & Park
MEDICONTUR SYMPOSIUM: Innovative solutions from a Hungarian manufacturer for specific cataract surgery issues
Our experience gained by implanting the first Hungarian extended depth of focus intraocular lens in the light of an international perspective
Dr. Zoltán Sohajda - University of Debrecen Klinkai Centre Kenézy Gyula Campus, Patient Care Units, Day Care Ophthalmology Centre
Our experience with the AddOn intraocular lens implanted in the sulcus of a high hyperopic patient.Case study.
Dr. Péter Vámosi - Ophthalmology Department of Péterfy Sándor Utca Hospital and Outpatient Clinic in Budapest
A comparative study of two different types of Mono+ intraocular lenses used in our ophthalmology department.
Dr. Norbert Pesztenlehrer - Petz Aladár University Teaching Hospital, Department of Ophthalmology, Győr-Moson-Sopron Vármegyei Petz Aladár University Teaching Hospital
Moderator: Dr. Gábor Élő


In addition a scientific symposium will be held about our innovative IOL solutions. More information about the date and time of the symposium will be shared later.
Meet us
MSZT Congress (Hungary)
- Venue Hotel Eger & Park
Thursday, 20 - Saturday, 22
June, 2024 10:00